All rewards earned will be automatically sold and reinvested back into the strategy to maximise the compounding effect. The portfolio will be rebalanced quarterly to reset the strategy back to its standard allocations and weights laid out above, so that the strategy can maintain an ideal allocation.
The strategy takes advantage of the high liquidity provider incentives that are offered by the Mirror Protocol. Tokens are converted into the designated token pairs according to the designed allocations, and token pairs are then, in turn, deposited into liquidity pools that generate additional rewards.
This allows the overall strategy to not only benefit from the appreciation of the token price itself, but also enjoy the additional rewards offered by liquidity pools. All rewards generated by liquidity pools are then automatically sold in regular intervals and reinvested back into the LP for compounding.
As the assets are allocated in liquidity-providing pairs, impermanent loss is a risk for this strategy when the price of one asset significantly outpaces the other in the pair.